FPC Wealth

How tax-friendly is your financial advisor’s advice?

Tax season is officially in the books. Unless you filed for an extension, your 2016 taxes are a thing of the past. The stress of getting through a complete review of your finances for an entire year can be pretty intense. The last thing most of us want to do right now is think about […]

How to Discover Your Financial Strategy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] If you’ve ever played chess before, you know that viewing the entire chessboard is the best way to establish your strategy. Not factoring in one section of the board means you may be vulnerable but not even know it. Similarly, one of the most important steps you take when setting up a financial strategy […]

So What’s the Plan?

Some time ago, I had a meeting with a couple in their fifties that owned their own construction business—I’ll call them the “Builders.” They hadn’t yet decided to work with FPC, but they wanted to see if we could help. On paper, the Builder family looked great. Business was going well. They had more than […]

2nd Quarter 2016 Market Update and Review

U.S. & International Economics: We have global growth, albeit slow. Due to concerns that growth may go negative there is heightened volatility. Slow growth has produced low and even negative interest rates in some countries. Domestically, employment remains strong with unemployment under 5%. China’s slowing economy is showing signs of stabilization. Brexit may cause slower […]

How an Election Year Affects Your Investment Strategy

Let me know if this sounds familiar: Your Facebook News Feed has blown up with messages like “The sky is falling! If my chosen candidate doesn’t win, the markets are doomed, and so are my investments!” Elections tend to bring out the more emotional sides of our personalities. A presidential election year especially can cause […]

FPC Views on the Brexit

June 24, 2016 SUBJECT: Britain Votes to Leave European Union To our clients: Yesterday, Britain voted to leave the EU (Brexit). There is a lot of news and commentary out there, so we felt it prudent to send out an executive summary on our thoughts and how it relates to your portfolios. It is known that […]

Qualities to Look for in a Financial Advisor

Recently, my wife Panoo and I updated our estate plan, which we do every year. I had a notary come to the office: a pleasant woman who was excited we were updating our estate plan.