FPC Wealth

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

Many people are asking whether or not now is a good time to refinance their mortgage – and with good reason! Locking in a mortgage at a lower interest rate can dramatically reduce the amount of money you pay over time. However, refinancing isn’t for everyone. There are some cases when refinancing your mortgage may […]

Digging Into ESPPs

Welcome to the final article in our stock option series! Over the past several weeks, we’ve been tackling the ins and outs of employee stock options. If you missed it, don’t forget to check out the first three articles in this series: How To Take Control Of Your Employee Stock Options: An Introduction A Deep […]

Understanding Your NQSOS + ISOS

Welcome back! Over the past several weeks, we’ve been tackling the ins and outs of employee stock options. If you missed it, don’t forget to check out the first two articles in this series: How To Take Control Of Your Employee Stock Options: An Introduction A Deep Dive into RSUs and How They Work Today, […]

A Deep Dive into RSUs and How They Work

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) are a type of compensation that many employers in Silicon Valley offer their employees as an incentive to continue with the company for a given length of time. The RSUs “vest” after a predetermined number of years, at which time they’re assessed at fair market value, and become available for you, […]

How To Take Control Of Your Employee Stock Options: An Introduction

Stock options are used by many tech companies from start-ups to stable enterprises, but often in really different ways. Here at FPC, our goal is to help you discover your wealth’s full potential, and understanding your stock options is a big part of that. We hear questions about stock options all the time, and so […]

Gifting To Your Kids: College Accounts and Beyond

At FPC, many of our clients are focused on making an impact in the lives of their loved ones. One of the biggest ways clients are positively impacting their family with their wealth is by finding unique ways to support their kids. The truth is, even if you’ve raised your kids to be responsible and […]

4 Action Items If Retirement Is On The Horizon

Retirement looks different for each person. Some people wish to retire early whereas others work as long as they can. No matter what path you are on, it is important to be financially prepared when you do decide to retire.  Retirees face a myriad of challenges, but one of the most significant is having a […]

How To Create An Estate Plan (That Actually Works!)

How often have you seen something go completely sideways with a friend or relative’s estate plan? When this happens, you might be thinking: It won’t happen to me.  This is one of the most dangerous mindsets because it doesn’t push you to be proactive. Instead, it leaves you lying in wait, hoping that things will […]

How an Election Year Affects Your Investment Strategy

Let me know if this sounds familiar: Your Facebook News Feed has blown up with messages like “The sky is falling! If my chosen candidate doesn’t win, the markets are doomed, and so are my investments!” Elections tend to bring out the more emotional sides of our personalities. A presidential election year especially can cause […]

Four Ways to Ensure You’re Ready for Next Year’s Taxes

If you are like the majority of people, tax season puts you in a bad mood, and you just want to get through it. If you have a negative view of taxes, it may be because you face some less-than-optimal decisions when tax season comes around. Now is the time to start making changes so […]

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