FPC Wealth

A Deep Dive into RSUs and How They Work

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) are a type of compensation that many employers in Silicon Valley offer their employees as an incentive to continue with the company for a given length of time. The RSUs “vest” after a predetermined number of years, at which time they’re assessed at fair market value, and become available for you, […]

How To Create An Estate Plan (That Actually Works!)

How often have you seen something go completely sideways with a friend or relative’s estate plan? When this happens, you might be thinking: It won’t happen to me.  This is one of the most dangerous mindsets because it doesn’t push you to be proactive. Instead, it leaves you lying in wait, hoping that things will […]

Why We’re Passionate About Being A Fiduciary

FPC Investment Advisory, Inc. is a fee-only, fiduciary wealth management firm. Unfortunately, not everyone who we speak with knows exactly what that means. Many people who are researching financial service professionals to partner with know they should be looking for someone who has their best interest at heart, but in today’s world, it’s tough to […]

Social Security Scam – What You Need to Know

Living in a heavily digitized world should make our lives easier, right? One side effect of increased digital convenience is a huge uptick in scams. If you want to prevent yourself from being a statistic, we urge you to be cautious when giving your sensitive information over the internet or phone. Currently, there is a […]

Historic Market Selloff

Check out what Bijan has to offer concerning the latest market sale off as he gives his perspective and insights on the biggest drop in the history of the Dow Jones.

The Equifax Breach – What You Should Do Now

Roughly 143 million individuals had their personal information hacked by an unprecedented data breach at Equifax from May to July of this year. According to Equifax, “the information accessed primarily includes names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, in some instances, driver’s license numbers. In addition, credit card numbers for approximately 209,000 U.S. consumers, […]

How tax-friendly is your financial advisor’s advice?

Tax season is officially in the books. Unless you filed for an extension, your 2016 taxes are a thing of the past. The stress of getting through a complete review of your finances for an entire year can be pretty intense. The last thing most of us want to do right now is think about […]

How to Discover Your Financial Strategy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] If you’ve ever played chess before, you know that viewing the entire chessboard is the best way to establish your strategy. Not factoring in one section of the board means you may be vulnerable but not even know it. Similarly, one of the most important steps you take when setting up a financial strategy […]

So What’s the Plan?

Some time ago, I had a meeting with a couple in their fifties that owned their own construction business—I’ll call them the “Builders.” They hadn’t yet decided to work with FPC, but they wanted to see if we could help. On paper, the Builder family looked great. Business was going well. They had more than […]

How an Election Year Affects Your Investment Strategy

Let me know if this sounds familiar: Your Facebook News Feed has blown up with messages like “The sky is falling! If my chosen candidate doesn’t win, the markets are doomed, and so are my investments!” Elections tend to bring out the more emotional sides of our personalities. A presidential election year especially can cause […]