FPC Wealth

How Much Should You Help Your Kids Financially (without enabling them)?

In a recent study, it was found that 52% of young adults still lived with their parents. This is the highest percentage since the Great Depression. Even if your adult children don’t live with you currently, it’s safe to say that current sandwich generation parents are helping their adult children financially much more than previous […]

The Best Way To Transform Your Financial Goals

Updated April 2023. The role that finances play in your life is an important one, that’s why it is essential to establish a healthy relationship with your finances in order to maximize their impact on your life. How can you do that? The first step is to uncover your financial goals.  Setting financial goals can […]

Setting Micro (Financial) Goals At The Start of the Year

Happy 2023! The first quarter of the year is an excellent time to slow down and reconnect or reevaluate your financial goals. The whirlwind of the holidays has slowed, and the initial rush of resolutions and new year busyness has reached a more manageable pace by the end of January. Many people are exclusively setting […]